The criteria for AHOEC membership

AHOEC membership is open to all leaders of outdoor learning
There are four classes of membership
(a) Full Members
Those who are employed in a strategic leadership role with responsibility for the direction or management of an organisation who:
- are committed to providing, or aspiring to provide, High Quality Outdoor Education.
- adhere to the Association’s Code of Conduct.
Example of these are Heads of Service, Deputy and Heads of outdoor provision or centres, university lecturers, and those holding key positions in organisation who provide outdoor learning in its many different aspects. We have members from many different types of organisations : charity, CIC, care homes, large multi national providers, traditional local authority provisions, education and sole traders.

(b) Associate Members
Those who do not meet the criteria for full membership but whose regions feel they can make a contribution to the Association.
(c) Honorary Members
Offered to anyone who, in the view of the Executive, has made a significant contribution to the workings of the Association or the wider field of outdoor education.
(d) Co-opted Members
Those who are co-opted for specific periods and purposes as determined by the Executive.