The AHOEC Gold Standard

AHOEC Gold Standard logo
AHOEC Gold Standard logo

Accrediting High Quality Learning

Gold Standard is AHOEC’s quality scheme, developed to go beyond the standards set by the LOtC Quality Badge, AAIAC AdventureMark and AALA. Encompassing not just safety but also the quality of service and learning, the Gold Standard logo provides assurances to participants and customers.

The AHOEC Gold Standard

Focusing on 9 areas, the process enables providers to focus on the quality of their entire provision, not just the delivery.  A unique aspect of Gold Standard is the self evaluation phase.  Providers work through a comprehensive Self Evaluation Form, with the support of a mentor, to test and measure all aspects of their work.  This is an immensely valuable tool for the organisation and for staff development.  The SEF is then used as the basis for a site visit and practical inspection of provision.

The Gold Standard process is the most comprehensive and wide ranging assessment of quality available to providers of Outdoor Learning.  Successful applicants are automatically entitled to LOtC Quality Badge and AdventureMark.

Gold Standard is developed and managed by AHOEC.  For more information, please read the Gold Overview document and for enquiries email here.